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Honourable M.Venkaiah Naidu
Vice President and the Chairman of Rajya Sabha,India

“I am happy to hear that the college is serving the under privileged marginalized rural poor students. I appreciate the management for understanding the social responsibilities of an institution.

Honourable Konijeti Rosaiah
Former Governor, Tamil Nadu

“This is a premier institute in imparting knowledge to the downtrodden, because educating the downtrodden is service to God”

Prof. Ved Prakash
Former Chairman, University Grants Commission, New Delhi

“I would be looking forward to having continued association with you on all matters of mutual interest”

Former, Vice Chairman,
University Grants Commission, New Delhi.

“My compliments to all for maintaining quality, culture, and discipline. I wish this college to become Andavan University for Excellence”

Dr.Ajay Parida
Former, Executive Director M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai.

“I am immensely impressed with the program organised. With a devoted staff members and effectual management, I assure that the college will flourish to its greater heights in future”

Dr. Umesh K.Sharma
Scientist -E Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.

“PG courses, young staff, infrastructure and discipline are the key strength of the college”

Dr.P. Manisankar
Vice – Chancellor, Bharathidasan University, Trichy

“I am extremely happy to come to this great college. The college has good number of departments and huge number of students. This college is doing noble service to empower the poor students”

Dr.K.Meena, Former Vice chancellor, Bharathidasan University, Trichy.

“Institution has excellent infrastructure facilities and serves the economically weaker sections of the society. I congratulate all for their zeal and continuous efforts to reach highest place in the quality map”

Mr.A.Myilvaganam DCP,

“I am very much impressed upon the way they support the downtrodden and first-generation scholars to bring them up in the social ladder”

Dr.M.Ponnavaiko Former, Vice Chancellor, Bharathidasan University

ஸ்ரீமத் ஆண்டவன் கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லூரி பாரதிதாசன் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் முகட்டில் உள்ள மாணிக்கமாக செயல்பட்டு வருகின்றது. இக்கல்லூரி பல்கலைக்கழகமாக மலர எல்லாம் வல்ல இறையை வேண்டிக் கொள்கின்றேன்

Prof. M.S. Ananth
Former Director, IIT Madras, Chennai.

The students are very disciplined and the teachers appeared to be highly motivated and enthusiastic”

Justice V. Ramasubramanian Judge of Supreme Court of India.

“I am very delighted to participate in the valedictory function of the two-day workshop on human rights. It was very well organised and I congratulate the management for their efforts”

Honourable Vellamandi N.Natarajan.
Minister for Tourism. Position. MLA. Assembly.Trichy

மாணவர்களின் தூண்டுகோல் திறன் மன நிறைவை அளிக்கின்றது. கல்லூரி மென்மேலும் வளர வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

Dr.Vasu Devan Ramesh
Professor, School of Chemistry, University of Manchester, UK

“I am privileged to visit this college. The Phenomenal faculty members, Depth knowledge, local innovations in the department, contributions to broader social objectives such as environmentalism, sustainability etc…”

Ms.Jayashree Muralidharan Former District Collector,

“Very heartening to see the college doing yeoman service in educating the poor students. My hearty wishes and congratulations to all, for churning out bright and disciplined students”

Former Chief Election commissioner of India,
New Delhi.

It is a great pleasure to see the all-round progress of the college. I seek Srimad Andavan’s Blessing for the continued growth and excellence of this fast-growing institution.

Chartered Accountant
Editor – Thuglak Magazine

A Great institution. Students are University toppers. National and global footprint in sports. Divine force is backing this institution.

Deputy Advisor,
NAAC Bangalore.

The college is very vibrant with a good deal of activities. My best wishes to all.